Worship Is Important To Me

I look forward to quiet times, whether it’s at home, walking or just sitting down by a pond or river and watching ducks frolicking in the water.  It quietens my spirit. I marvel at God’s creation and for me it is worship.

Worship is important to me when I’m alone or corporately, in a church service. I have not been blessed with an ear for music or with a great singing voice. Music is like a foreign language, however; I can enjoy listening to music that calms your soul. Not the heavy metal or with trap sets but piano, guitar or accordion music.

While sitting here, I can hear the distant sound of our tenant playing his accordion. I can’t pick out the words of the song but I know it’s a hymn. He is worshiping by playing his accordion and I’m worshiping as I listen to him playing. It’s a quiet time. He just stopped but I can still hear the music in my mind.

I was just thinking of the words of scripture that says worship in spirit and in truth. The verse is found in John 4:23–24. Jesus speaking

“The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth”

What does Jesus mean? What or who is a true worshiper? I think I know what Jesus means but I will do some studying. This is a quote from Delesslyn A. Kennebrew of Christian Bible Studies. “True worship, in other words, is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and  where God is on our list of priorities.”

a work in progress

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