Our Loving Heavenly Father

Our Loving Heavenly Father

1 John 3:1  ‘Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God’

It is only natural that people have a tendency to see things from a humanly rather than a spiritual perspective.  This not only applies to things we experience physically or intellectually on a daily basis but at the supernatural level as well.  So we often think of God’s love for us as being similar to our love for our children, often subject to our feelings or circumstances.  However, the love of God is so superior to our love that it is beyond our understanding or comprehension.  How many of us would send our only child into a sinful world, to die the cruelest of deaths on an ‘old rugged cross’, as payment for the sins of others?  Only a God of ultimate love and compassion could even consider such a costly rescue plan for the salvation of a lost world.  Our concept of God as a Father may be coloured by experiences we’ve had with our earthly father, which is why it is important to consider the love and other attributes of our Father God.  God’s love is absolutely unconditional and unchanging regardless of how we feel about Him – or even if we ignore Him.  While the ‘rain falls on the just and the unjust’, God has a special love and care for His children.  We can never avail of the benefits and blessings of our Father God unless we accept His free offer to become His child, and receive His gift of salvation.  While earthly fathers often fail to meet the needs, and will even at times, abandon their children, our Heavenly Fathers always delights in providing what is best for His own.  Regardless of our experience with our earthly Father, there is a gracious and loving Heavenly Father who patiently waits to receive all who will seek Him and receive the untold blessings He has in store for them.  And He is never further than a prayer away


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