Doctrine of Demons


1 Timothy 4:1 ‘Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils .’

1 Thessalonians 2:3 ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (Christ’s return), except there come a falling away first.’

Recent reports indicate that in the past few years over 500 churches have closed their doors in Britain, while about 300 new mosques have been opened. This is compelling evidence of professing Christians ‘departing from the faith’ or ‘falling away’ as the above verses predict. And it is further evidence that we are in the latter times, or the age in which Christ shall return. Sadly it is also a trend that is being experienced throughout much of the Western world, and in countries which were once considered strongholds of Christianity, such as Canada and the United States.

‘Doctrines of devils’ is a term which many would consider extreme or exaggerated, when describing the beliefs of other religions or individuals. However, when we consider Jesus’ teachings, we realize that He stated without question that He alone was the ‘Way to the Father’ (John 14:6), and that we are either followers of Him or of the devil. He left no opportunity for anyone to choose an alternate path to heaven; yet this is one of Satan’s greatest deceptions – that there are many paths leading to the one God.

Today we see a great hunger for spiritual fulfillment, but the majority of people are ‘giving heed to seducing spirits’ such as Christian cults, New Age doctrines and self help programs, many of which stress that everyone is okay spiritually, and don’t need the spiritual rebirth that is found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

All religions, other than Christianity, require their adherents to achieve their ultimate goals, or reach the promised land through some kind of effort or accomplishment. This is another ‘doctrine of demons’, as the Bible clearly states that salvation is ‘by grace through faith’ (Ephesians 2:8,9) and not by ‘works of righteousness’ (Titus 3:5). If one could be saved by self effort or works of any kind, then Christ’s death was unnecessary or in vain.

Do you believe demonic deception is active in today’s world?
Do you believe there is more than one path to God?
If so, why did Christ have to die for the world’s sin?

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