I have had an interest in studying Revelation since my father-in-law, Byron Dawe, began to share with me about end time prophecy. Byron was a student of revelation and he taught classes in The Salvation Army, The Pentecostal Church and was invited to share, at times, in a class at The Anglican Church. This was in the time period from 1975- to the early nineties. He had drawn a time line, with pictures, on rolls of paper of the events that would take place. I have the only copy of revelation in poetry that he wrote.
I have taught some classes, have read numerous books and listened to many preachers on The Book Of Revelation. Unfortunately, many Christians are afraid to read the book. The book was given to John The Apostle, by Jesus, to let us know about future events.
My decision to do this study was based on prayer and I needed to be comfortable in my relationship with God that it was ok to use AI content. I am at peace and I pray that as you study revelation that you will find the content helpful. Even though, I was used by God to complete this work, I too am blessed as I go through the study.
I would like to keep the website free from advertising as I have found that advertising can be confusing and distracting. I have added a pay pal address below, If this study has been helpful and you would like to contribute in assisting me promote the website.**** I am incredibly grateful for your support. Please do not take away from tithes and offerings to your church or organization.***
Prayer is preferred over donations as The Lord will provide.
Please feel free to use content of website for personal or group study.
Blessings To You and Your family
Paypal stevewish@gmail.com
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Even So lord Jesus Come
Even so Lord Jesus, come
My heart doth long for Thee
Though I’ve failed
And betrayed Thy trust
Even so Lord Jesus, come.